Welcome to the official (ish) blogger for Flash Fiction Month! This website has been created to host any flash fiction that is written during the course of the month, and anyone that has a Google account can sign on and post their work here. This is the first year that we've had a designated blog, so lets make it worthwhile. Good luck, folks!

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Round 3

The bell sounds with a clang, the start of the first match, and I come out swinging.  I trained hard, and I'm ready for it.  A few quick jabs, maybe the occasional combo, but I'm prepared.  It's nothing I haven't seen before.  A little fancy footwork, and I'm dancing around my opponent.  The crowd goes wild, and I love it.  It feels good to be a winner.

You can only bask in the afterglow for so long, though, so I schedule another match.  This time around, I work hard to get ready, and when I step in the ring, its with the knowledge that I will win.  I can do it again.  I'm sure of it.  Impact of a hard right jolts me out of my daydream, and I realize this isn't a sure thing anymore.  Victory isn't guaranteed.  Funny thing is, I get so worked up at the idea of a loss that I push my way into winning.They start chanting my name, and I smile, cuz they don't know how close the fight really was.  Regardless, I won; I'm the champ.

Time makes me a fool, and I miss the glory days, so I resolve to step in the ring again.  There are younger, stronger opponents that are likely better than me, but I've got wins under my belt now, and a title to defend.  It isn't until I feel my face collide with the mat that I realize what I've done.  I'm not a champion; I'm an amateur, and I don't know what I'm doing.  All those other wins, what do they matter when my opponent can drop me with one hit?  I look at the blood beneath me, and I'm scared.  I should stay down.  IT isn't worth my life, right.  I drag myself off the floor at the count of 9, rubbing my sore jaw, ready to take more of a beating.  This fight is just beginning.

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