Welcome to the official (ish) blogger for Flash Fiction Month! This website has been created to host any flash fiction that is written during the course of the month, and anyone that has a Google account can sign on and post their work here. This is the first year that we've had a designated blog, so lets make it worthwhile. Good luck, folks!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Cassius from bondage shall deliver Cassius -and return him.

And for some time, this marker was left at the place of his suicide. It read:

Here the remains of Cassius do lay
Let them be -the dead hath buried the dead.
In the games of thrones where men briefly play
Only the birds remain happily fed.

Monday, August 29, 2011


I put two rounds in him, and had the Thunder back in its holster before he hit the ground.  And don't think it didn't feel good when I did it.  He was a murderer and a coward, and he deserved what he got.  Took me two months to track him down, time I don't reckon I'll be gettin back.  Way I figure, its payment.  Son of a bitch killed my momma, and I wasn't about to let him get away with it.  It don't matter if the bastard was my daddy; when a dog goes mad, you gotta put it down.  And before you ask, the answer's yes; I'd do it again.  A thousand times.