Welcome to the official (ish) blogger for Flash Fiction Month! This website has been created to host any flash fiction that is written during the course of the month, and anyone that has a Google account can sign on and post their work here. This is the first year that we've had a designated blog, so lets make it worthwhile. Good luck, folks!

Monday, September 19, 2011

Sorry, I dont have much time...

...but you need to know what's happening. they could be here any minute, my computer may be monitored, so please overlook spelling and grammar mistakes. Jeez... thsi shit is too orwellian for my taste.

look, our schools are being taken over. they are watching everything we do, and if we don't do exactly as they say, than we lose our job. We need to keep our job in this economy, during this transition period.

We are Rome, about to go from republic to empire, but its not hapening through violence and assisnation. Its happening through education, and its taken about 50 years. See, who needs generations of cultural assimilation when you can indoctrinate them every year?

See, this all started with a group of three guys: Gardner, Skinner, and Bloom. They were members of the American communist party back in its heyday before McCarthy became famous. Bloom is the big one. His practical theory, now called Bloom's Taxonomy (google it), is a six step ladder which names all the levels of thinking. The first three focus on the identification and adaptation of information, and the final three are the manipulation and evaluation of said information. Makes sense. But the purpose, for Bloom at least, is to use those steps and turn the schools into a socializing agent, not an educational institution. Do you get it? they use the first three steps to identify their beliefs from home and church, the first two socializing agents, and use the last three steps to modify them to change them to match the state. Look, I can copy and paste this, that wont take too long.

"The school needs to replace home and church as the main socializing agent of the state. The purpose of education is not to produce thinkers, but rather to change the thinking of the student to match that of the educating entity, i.e., the state." -Harold Bloom, 1957, the Principles of Education

Guys, Western Culture is using this guys theories to educate its kids! This is the model: "we are creating the workers of tomorrow. We must prepare these kids for the workforce. We must prepare them for college, so they might enter the workforce at a higher pay grade." Work, work, work! Its all about labor! They are building the labor force by decreasing the public's ability to do anything other than an activity and follow directions. This increased stupidity contributes to poverty, and contributes to government dependence, which in turn contribute to developmental and environmental issues which affect a student's ability to learn, and thus forces us to do more activities since they can't read and write! Its just getting worse! With all this government dependence, we are like Rome, going from Republic to Empire!

Who needs bread and circuses when you have UFC and McDonalds? Youtube and Food Stamps?!

Shit, I'm out of time... I hope I can write again under a different name with a different encryption.