“I don’t care what anyone says, the music has soul. It speaks to me on a spiritual level. It transcends all that is and ever will be. He was the voice an entire generation of people who were down on their luck. Unlike musicians today he knew what the everyday man wanted to hear in his music. He understood what he wanted to see in a music video. Hands down the best musician to grace god green earth.”
“I refuse to accept that argument. You’d have to be a complete moron to even make it. No sane person would ever think such a thing let a lone say it aloud”
Joseph pulled a cd from it’s case and put it in the cd player as speed through a red light. “You’re just in denial man. You have no idea what it means to be a black man in a white mans world during the 90’s”
Samuel crocked an eyebrow at his friend. Joseph was whiter than rice. With a crop of unkept red hair that was often hidden by a baseball cap and freckles that dotted his face “I’m sorry when did you grow up black and in ‘da hood’?”
“Man you haven’t known me all my life. I’ve done some things. Seen some shit. I know what it is to be black. “
“Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigggghhhttt. Ginger kids know all about black life” Sam watched as they speed through a red light “hey man slow down there are speed traps on this road.”
“Don’t change the subject. I know black people.”
“You think you know them. Do you even have a token black friend?”
“I find your remark racially incentive”
“I find your comparison to Sir Mix A Lot as being greater than Micheal Jackson to be racially incentive. Baby Got Back is not even remotely in the same league as Thriller”