Welcome to the official (ish) blogger for Flash Fiction Month! This website has been created to host any flash fiction that is written during the course of the month, and anyone that has a Google account can sign on and post their work here. This is the first year that we've had a designated blog, so lets make it worthwhile. Good luck, folks!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Day 1

Daniel Miller checked his tie for the sixth time in the bathroom mirror. Saying that he was nervous would be an understatement. Today was the first day of his dream job. Agent Daniel Miller, FBI. He was so proud of his accomplishment that his parents flew in from Florida to help him celebrate the completion of his training.

Daniel didn’t think he’d make it in. He failed every test but one. But the one he passed was an important one. His mother had always told him he was gifted. And unbeknownst to him the FBI had a division devoted to those who were gifted.

The Vanguard Serial Crimes Unit or the Vanguard as he was told it’s called around the office solved serial crimes and tend to recruited agents with a psychic potential. But it didn’t matter why he was an FBI agent; just that he was an FBI agent.

The toilet behind him flushed and another agent stepped up to the sink to wash his hands

“New guy?” he asked

“Um yeah, how could you tell?”

“My first day I was in the mirror adjusting my tie too.” He chuckled as he finished washing his hands and grabbed some paper towels to dry them off. “Who’s training you?”

“Ummm agent Black” Daniel said

The other man made a sour face and then shook his head “I’ll pray for you son.”

“Is he that bad?”

“Oh no, Black is a great agent, likely one of the best, but see …. The thing about Black is that he was an FBI agent before being transferred here. He’s very harsh on the new guys, especially if they weren’t “real” agents first.”

Daniel sighed and fidgeted with his tie. The other man chuckled and patted his back reassuringly.
“Don’t worry, he’s the best. Take plenty of notes and you’ll do fine. Just let him take the lead till you earn his respect and you’ll do fine. Now get going. He loathes tardiness.”

Daniel nodded and checked his tie one last time. “Thanks for the advice” he said before heading out of the bathroom.

“Let’s get this out of the way.” Black said without looking up from the file he was pursuing. “Vampires are real. Werewolves are real. Ghost, goblins and witches are all real. However unless they are breaking a law it isn’t any of our concern.”

“They’re what?” Daniel blinked a few times. Psychics were one thing but the assorted beastry of Grimm’s Fairy tales too?

“But we are not an agency out to hunt them. If you are interested in that I have a friend in another government agency that will help you do that.”

“Wait … the government hunts ….?”

“Our job is to dispense justice. We arrest the law breakers and make sure they stand trial. Always remember that.” Black closed the file he was looking at and placed it under his arm. “Let’s go, we need to see the ME. You can drive.”

Agent Black moved past Daniel who just nodded.

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